Chris Moss Online

Munchkin-caching or GeoMunch? You Decide

It’s a pretty day out (albeit a bit chilly) and I needed to get out of the office for a few minutes at lunchtime. Brian’s GPS is still in the car, so I went to, punched in my office zip code and found there is a cache that’s nearby. There’s a tiny park tucked between Addison Rd and the Tollway (who knew?) So I ran out and found it – this is my first cache find that isn’t near the house.

Each cache has a name and this one’s is “Sword of Sacklunch”. If you have ever played the game Munchkin (much discussed in James’ and Ian’s blogs recently) you are familiar with that game’s mocking of Dungeons & Dragons and the like. It features horrible monsters and fantastic weapons with silly names, so I thought that a great low-level weapon might be called a Sword of Sacklunch – as in you throw your brown bag special at the evil demon in the hopes he might run away.

Is it Spring Already?

What a gorgeous day! And what better to do on a beautiful day than to enjoy my new hobby of geocaching. Ian had decided he wanted to try this. Last night while at their house, Ian, Brian M and I tried one close to their house, but it was way off in the mud and we eventually got to a creek and had to turn back. So today I found several easier ones nearby and Ian and I tackled them. We found six in total, including my first multi-cache. It was SO much fun! Just before the final one, Ian and I treated ourselves to some hard earned Margaritas at Gloria’s! A couple of these were really thrilling when we discovered them – it was very dramatic on the last one when I flipped over this big log with my foot and there was the cache underneath.

Mission Accomplished

Set out to take the Christmas lights down off the house today. Brian helped me and it only took about an hour and a half. Now Christmas is completely packed away for another year.

To begin geocaching last week, a friend lent me his GPS unit. He needed it back, and so Brian ran up to Sherman so I could borrow his dad’s. Found one last night at coffee but still can’t find the one @ Hillcrest & Lebanon.

Going to Bobby & Ian’s tonight for dinner, games and probably a beverage or three. Should be fun, so I’m excited.

Current mood: A bit tired, but satisfied
Current music: Portland, Oregon – Loretta Lynn


Does this count as blogging? I’m not sure.

I just discovered the world of geocaching. Check out for more info, but basically it is scavenger hunting with a GPS unit. You are given coordinates and clues, you go the location and look around for the “cache.” There is generally a log book you sign and may be goodies inside – if you take something you leave something. I’ve found 5 so far and I think I’m addicted.