Chris Moss Online

Rants & Raves

Media Update

In a post a few months back, I lamented the media’s focus on celebrity issues at the expense of reporting actual news. Over the last few days, the media has been fortunately reporting on the things that matter…but then again it’s pretty hard to ignore multiple bombs in London and a category 4 hurricane bearing down on the panhandle of Florida.

It was amusing watching over the weekend as the live reporters covered the hurricane. They all told the viewers to “do as I say (evacuate), not as I do” as they braced themselves in 80 mph winds. We almost lost CNN’s Anderson Cooper to an errant Ramada Inn sign. You could almost hear the collective disappointment of the media as Dennis weakened a bit just prior to making landfall.

I will give some members of the media credit for reporting on the 10th anniversary of the massacre in Srebrenica. Unfortunately, that item seems to have disappeared from the headlines now, in favor of the much more important issue of Hillary Clinton’s comparison on the president to Alfred E. Neuman.

…and so it goes.

Coke C2 vs: Pepsi Edge

I don’t like diet sodas. They always have a weird taste that I can’t get used to. I just drink water most of the time. But, every now and then I crave a Coke.

Recently I discovered Coke’s C2 – this is the product that has half the sugar. It’s not diet, it just has less sugar in it. I like it – I can’t tell much of a difference from regular Coke. Today since I did so much work around the house, I thought it would be okay to have some Coke. Well, we don’t have any in the house but I did find some Pepsi. I had 2 Pepsis this afternoon and then I went to get another just now. We were out, but we do have some “Pepsi Edge.” This is the product Pepsi thinks competes with C2. In my opinion, Pepsi Edge is a diet drink, C2 is not.