OK, so Gallop posted this game on his blog, who stole the game from somebody, who stole the game from someone else. So I’m stealing it, too.
The rules are easy. Take your favorite band or artist (or just an appropriate one) and answer the following questions using only the titles of their songs as answers, as I have done below:
1. Name of band/artist: Jimmy Buffett
2. Are you male or female?: Jolly Mon
3. Describe yourself: My Head Hurts, My Feet Stink and I Don’t Love Jesus
4. How do you feel about yourself?: King of Somewhere Hot
5. Describe your ex girlfriend/boyfriend: I Can’t Be Your Hero Today
6. Describe current girlfriend/boyfriend: Bigger Than the Both of Us
7. Describe where you want to be: Back to the Island
8. Describe how you live: Havana Daydreamin’