Chris Moss Online

Home Life


For some reason I had too much energy last night and didn’t hit the sheets until after 4 am. Got up just before noon. After breakfast and morning news, I didn’t get outside back to my slave labor until after 1pm. I got the east side of the house completely primed and started painting a bit. I don’t like the color. Well, I’ll say that when I see it in better light I could like it but I don’t think it’s dark enough. We’ll see.

I don’t usually blog about things like sun tea, but we made sun tea today like we usually do, and Brian has been growing some spices, including mint. Sun tea with lime and fresh mint rocks!

Death of a Lawnmower

When we moved into EGB, in January 2001, we had to start mowing right away. They planted winter rye grass along with the Bermuda. Buying a house depletes you of cash, so I went the cheap route and bought a Black & Decker “Grass Hog” electric mower. I know me – I hate having to go get gasoline before mowing. The mower ended up working great, and we got 4 1/2 mowing seasons out of a $169 investment. Today it finally died just as I was finishing up the back. Electrical smoke started coming out of the spot where you plug the extension cord it – I guess there was a short. I could probably fix it, but I have already fixed this mower a couple of times and brought it back from the brink and now it’s time to let go.