Chris Moss Online


Nice long weekend, got a few things done and caught up on some much needed relaxing.

Yesterday we had a block party during the afternoon, then in the evening we went over to Bobby & Ian’s for dinner. They had a few people over, and it was a great deal of fun. While I was over there (while playing air hockey with Ian, as a matter of fact) I realized how totally comfortable and at home I feel at their house. We caught up with some people we know, and also their friends Jeff and Jeremy, who we don’t see to often. They are very pleasant comany and are going on a cruise next week. Something James & I have yet to do but would like to. One day when visa issues are sorted out.

Be Somebody!

In Steve Martin’s movie The Jerk, his character decides that he becomes “somebody” when his name is printed in the phone book. After that, he is obsessed trying to “be somebody.”

My boss decided my name should be on the electronic directory in our building. So if you go to my building and head over to the cool new touch screen building directory and search on my name, you’ll find out which suite I’m in. When he told me, I couldn’t get that Steve Martin line out of my head “Beeeee somebody!”


For some reason I had too much energy last night and didn’t hit the sheets until after 4 am. Got up just before noon. After breakfast and morning news, I didn’t get outside back to my slave labor until after 1pm. I got the east side of the house completely primed and started painting a bit. I don’t like the color. Well, I’ll say that when I see it in better light I could like it but I don’t think it’s dark enough. We’ll see.

I don’t usually blog about things like sun tea, but we made sun tea today like we usually do, and Brian has been growing some spices, including mint. Sun tea with lime and fresh mint rocks!

Star Wars I Have Seen

This weekend has been quite productive thus far. Friday night I got some cleaning done aroud the house and also went shopping at Lowe’s to get everything I need to paint the house. And today I started painting the house. I am sanding, priming and repainting the wood trim on our house. Two sides got prepped and half-way primed (only half on the first because the sun moved and only have on the second because the sun went down). So I should finish priming and then painting the sides of the house tomorrow. Next weekend I’ll probably just do the back and then the weekend after, the front.

Coke C2 vs: Pepsi Edge

I don’t like diet sodas. They always have a weird taste that I can’t get used to. I just drink water most of the time. But, every now and then I crave a Coke.

Recently I discovered Coke’s C2 – this is the product that has half the sugar. It’s not diet, it just has less sugar in it. I like it – I can’t tell much of a difference from regular Coke. Today since I did so much work around the house, I thought it would be okay to have some Coke. Well, we don’t have any in the house but I did find some Pepsi. I had 2 Pepsis this afternoon and then I went to get another just now. We were out, but we do have some “Pepsi Edge.” This is the product Pepsi thinks competes with C2. In my opinion, Pepsi Edge is a diet drink, C2 is not.

Death of a Lawnmower

When we moved into EGB, in January 2001, we had to start mowing right away. They planted winter rye grass along with the Bermuda. Buying a house depletes you of cash, so I went the cheap route and bought a Black & Decker “Grass Hog” electric mower. I know me – I hate having to go get gasoline before mowing. The mower ended up working great, and we got 4 1/2 mowing seasons out of a $169 investment. Today it finally died just as I was finishing up the back. Electrical smoke started coming out of the spot where you plug the extension cord it – I guess there was a short. I could probably fix it, but I have already fixed this mower a couple of times and brought it back from the brink and now it’s time to let go.